POST /v3/shipments/selfShip/dispatch

Description - Self Ship API to mark items as dispatched from the seller warehouse. In addition to marking items as dispatched from the warehouse, seller must enter invoice details.

Request and Response Parameters



Request Body Parameters: shipments

Parameter/Attribute Type Requirement Description
shipmentId String Mandatory Primary identifier for a specific shipment
tentativeDeliveryDate DateTime Mandatory The anticipated delivery date. Tentative Delivery Date should not be before Today’s date
dispatchDate DateTime Mandatory Date by which the order items are dispatched by the seller. Dispatch Date should not be after Today’s date
deliveryPartner String Optional Name of Logistics Partner
trackingId String Optional Pick up courier tracking id
locationId String Optional Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location
invoice.invoiceNumber String Optional Invoice Number
invoice.items List Mandatory Comma separated list of invoice Items
invoice.invoiceDate DateTime Mandatory Invoice Date
invoice.items.orderItemId String Mandatory Order Item Id
invoice.items.quantity Number Mandatory Order Items quantity
invoice.items.serialNumbers List<List<String>> Optional Serial Numbers
dispatchLocation.locationId String Mandatory Dispatch Location Id
dispatchLocation.address.address1 String Mandatory Dispatch Address 1
dispatchLocation.address.address2 String Optional Dispatch Address 2
dispatchLocation.address.landmark String Optional Dispatch Landmark String Mandatory Dispatch City
dispatchLocation.address.state String Optional Dispatch State
dispatchLocation.address.pincode String Optional Dispatch Pincode


shipmentIds: should be valid shipment ids for this seller.
Maximum 100 shipments per request.

Response Body Parameters:

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
shipments. shipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
shipments. processingStatus String SUCCESS or FAILURE
shipments. errorCode String Error code for any error
shipments. errorMessage String Error message

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in marking items as dispatched.
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When invalid request is received i.e, when some mandatory requirement validations are failed.