POST /v2/returns/pickupAttempt

Description - Self Ship API to mark attempted pickup of the item from the buyer. The next pickup by date must be mentioned.

Request and Response Parameters



Request Body Parameters: returns

Parameter Type Requirement Description
pickupDate Date Mandatory The pickupDate for the item that has been ordered
reason String Mandatory Reason of the return
returnId String Mandatory Return ID corresponding to the order
newPickupDate Date Mandatory The pickupDate for the item that has been ordered
locationId String Mandatory location ID for the order

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
returnId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
processingStatus String SUCCESS or FAILURE
errorCode String Error code for any error
errorMessage String Error message


returnIds: should be valid return id for this seller.
Maximum 100 returns allowed per request.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in marking the item as delivered for the shipment
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When invalid request is received i.e, when some mandatory requirement validations are failed.