Order Management API Reference

You can use the following APIs to create, receive, send, and work with various shipment and order related details.

POST /v3/shipments/filter/

Description - The Search Shipments API searches shipments using specific filters. It gets shipment details based on the order date, dispatch date, shipment states, and seller SKU ID. The first call to the Search API returns a finite number of results based on the pageSize value. Calling the URL returned in the next Page URL field of the response gets the subsequent pages of the search result. The response of the Search API contains a list of shipments and their sub-shipments, to be packed together in one shipment, for which only one label is generated.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments/filter/

Request Body Parameters: filter

Parameter/Attribute Type Requirement Description
type String Mandatory Types of Dispatch can be preDispatch or postDispatch or cancelled


type: preDispatch

List<String> Mandatory Filter shipments based on a comma separated list of valid shipment states. Possible values are APPROVED, PACKING_IN_PROGRESS, PACKED, FORM_FAILED, READY_TO_DISPATCH.


type: postDispatch

List<String> Mandatory Filter shipments based on a comma separated list of valid shipment states. Possible values are SHIPPED or/and DELIVERED or PICKUP_COMPLETE.
hold Boolean Optional Filter shipments based on the hold status. Defaults to False. (Applicable only for the type - preDispatch)
sku List<String> Optional Filter orders based on a comma separated list of seller SKUs
serviceProfiles String Optional This field defaults to NON_FBF
mps Boolean Optional Multi pack shipment accepts True or False
locationId String Optional Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location
cancellationType String Mandatory if Filter Type is Cancel Describes where the Cancellation was initiated. For example if the Marketplace cancelled then this value is MarketPlace Cancellation.
shipmentTypes List<String> Optional Shipment Type can be NORMAL or SELF
  • orderDate:
  • from
  • to
String Optional Filter based on shipments placed within the selected date range, where the date strings are in ISO format
  • dispatchAfterDate:
  • from
  • to
String Optional Filter based on shipments placed within the selected date range, where the date strings are in ISO format
  • dispatchByDate:
  • from
  • to
String Optional Filter based on shipments placed within the selected date range, where the date strings are in ISO format
  • cancellationDate:
  • from
  • to
String Optional Filter based on shipments placed within the selected date range, where the date strings are in ISO format

Request Body Parameter: pagination

Parameter Type Requirement Description
pageSize Numeric Optional Number of search results to display in one page. Maximum size is 20

Request Body Parameter: sort

Parameter Type Requirement Description
field ISO String Optional Sort results by dispatchByDate
order String Optional Sort results by desc or asc


pageSize: Value between 1 and 20
maxDataRetrievalAllowed: 5000
filter: All filters are optional
sort field: Can be orderDate or dispatchByDate
For postDispatch, request must be sent separately for SELF and NORMAL shipments. It will be modified to allow both NORMAL and SELF shipments in same request payload, at a later date
Valid values for ``cancellationType`` are ``marketplaceCancellation``, ``sellerCancellation`` and ``buyerCancellation``
State filed value depends on the ‘Type’ attribute.If the filter type is Cancel, the state has to be’Cancelled’.


  • Provides only those orders that are fulfilled based on the seller’s fulfillment service. Flipkart Advantage (FA) orders are not shown.
  • The default sort order is by dispatchByDate (to be marked “Ready to Dispatch”).
  • If the date strings do not contain timezone information, it is assumed as IST.

Response Body Parameters:

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
nextPageUrl String Url for accessing the next page
hasMore Boolean A flag to indicate whether there are more search results in the next page
shipments List List of Shipments
shipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
dispatchByDate ISO String Date by which the order items needs to be dispatched by the seller
dispatchAfterDate ISO String Date after which the order items needs to be processed by the seller
updatedAt ISO String Timestamp of the last update for a particular order item
hold Boolean Flag True or False for Shipment Verification Process.
locationId String Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location
orderItems List Comma separated list of Order Items
orderItems. fsn String Flipkart Serial Number that identifies the order item.
orderItems. quantity Number Number of units of the item ordered.
orderItems. orderId String System generated orderId for an order within a shipment.
orderItems. orderItemId String System generated id for an item within an order.
orderItems. listingId String Product Listing Id
orderItems. sku String Seller’s store keeping unit where the item is available
orderItems. cancellationGroupId String Refers to the group of order items which will be cancelled.
orderItems. isReplacement Boolean True or False indicating if the order item replaces another order item.
orderItems. priceComponents. sellingPrice Float Product price listed by the seller. This value can be less than or equal to the MRP.
orderItems. priceComponents. totalPrice Float The price paid by the customer for this order item (customerPrice``+ ``shippingCharge)
orderItems. priceComponents. shippingCharge Float Fees charged for this order item of shipment.
orderItems. priceComponents. customerPrice Float The price at which buyer bought the order item from the Website (sellingPrice- promotionDiscount)
orderItems. priceComponents. emi Float EMI component for a particular order item id
orderItems. priceComponents. flipkartDiscount Float Flipkart discount for the particular order item id
orderItems. orderDate ISO String Date on which the order is placed.
orderItems. cancellationDate ISO String Date when the order item is cancelled.
orderItems. cancellationReason String Reason for the cancellation
orderItems. cancellationSubReason String Sub reason chosen for cancellation. In case of seller cancellation below are the valid sub reason(cannot_procure_item,not_enough_inventory,b2b_order)
orderItems. courierReturn boolean True or False indicating if courier return created for the order item.
orderItems. packageIds List<String> List of packages to which the order item is associated
forms List<Forms> List of forms associated with the shipment
forms. name String Name of the for associated with the shipment.
forms. link String Link to the Government portal for where particular form can be generated.
forms. automated boolean True or False indicating Flipkart generated form for the mentioned form.
forms. status String Indicates status of form generation. Status can be one of the below (NOT-CREATED, IN-PROGRESS, COMPLETED and FAILED)
subShipments List List of sub shipments associated with a shipment
subShipments. subShipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific sub shipment.
subShipments. packages List List of packages inside one sub shipment
subShipments. packageId String Primary identifier for a specific package
subShipments. quantity Integer Quantity of sub shipments
subShipments. packageTitle String Title of the package
subShipments. packageSku String SKU of the package

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
INVALID_REQUEST_PAGE_SIZE Validation failure of the requested pageSize value
INVALID_REQUEST_JSON JSON parsing failure of the request
INVALID_DATE_FORMAT Parsing failure of the from or to dates

GET /v3/shipments?shipmentIds={} or, GET /v3/shipments?orderItemIds={} or, GET /v3/shipments?orderIds={}

Description - The Get by ShipmentIds API gets the shipment detail by shipmentId or orderId or orderItemId. Note that this operation can accept either shipmentIds, orderIds or orderItemIds, but only one type of query param is accepted per invocation. It returns the shipmentDetails with the specified orderItemId and all its sub shipments and packages.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments?shipmentIds={}

Request Header Parameters

Parameter Requirement Description
shipmentIds Mandatory Comma separated shipment ids

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
shipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
dispatchByDate ISO String Date by which the order items needs to be dispatched by the seller
dispatchAfterDate ISO String Date after which the order items needs to be processed by the seller
updatedAt ISO String Timestamp of the last update for a particular order item
hold Boolean Flag True or False for Shipment Verification Process.
locationId String Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location
packagingPolicy String Indicates the packaging policy for Shipment. Possible values: GREEN_PACKAGE, TRANSPARENT_PACKAGE, DEFAULT, NA
orderItems List Comma separated list of Order Items
orderItems. fsn String Flipkart Serial Number that identifies the order item.
orderItems. quantity Number Number of units of the item ordered.
orderItems. orderId String System generated orderId for an order within a shipment.
orderItems. orderItemId String System generated id for an item within an order.
orderItems. listingId String Product Listing Id
orderItems. sku String Seller’s store keeping unit where the item is available
orderItems. cancellationGroupId String Refers to the group of order items which will be cancelled.
orderItems. isReplacement Boolean True or False indicating if the order item replaces another order item.
orderItems. priceComponents. sellingPrice Float Product price listed by the seller. This value can be less than or equal to the MRP.
orderItems. priceComponents. totalPrice Float The price paid by the customer for this order item (customerPrice``+ ``shippingCharge)
orderItems. priceComponents. shippingCharge Float Fees charged for this order item of shipment.
orderItems. priceComponents. customerPrice Float The price at which buyer bought the order item from the Website (sellingPrice- promotionDiscount)
orderItems. priceComponents. emi Float EMI component for a particular order item id
orderItems. priceComponents. flipkartDiscount Float Flipkart discount for the particular order item id
orderItems. orderDate ISO String Date on which the order is placed.
orderItems. cancellationDate ISO String Date when the order item is cancelled.
orderItems. cancellationReason String Reason for the cancellation
orderItems. cancellationSubReason String Sub reason chosen for cancellation. In case of seller cancellation below are the valid sub reason(cannot_procure_item,not_enough_inventory,b2b_order)
orderItems. courierReturn boolean True or False indicating if courier return created for the order item.
orderItems. packageIds List<String> List of packages to which the order item is associated
forms List<Forms> List of forms associated with the shipment
forms. name String Name of the for associated with the shipment.
forms. link String Link to the Government portal for where particular form can be generated.
forms. automated boolean True or False indicating Flipkart generated form for the mentioned form.
forms. status String Indicates status of form generation. Status can be one of the below (NOT-CREATED, IN-PROGRESS, COMPLETED and FAILED)
subShipments List List of sub shipments associated with a shipment
subShipments. subShipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific sub shipment.
subShipments. packages List List of packages inside one sub shipment
subShipments. packageId String Primary identifier for a specific package
subShipments. quantity Integer Quantity of sub shipments
subShipments. packageTitle String Title of the package
subShipments. packageSku String SKU of the package


shipmentIds: should be valid shipment ids for this seller
Maximum 100 shipments per request.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in getting forms for the shipment
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When more than processable shipmentIds are received.

GET /v3/shipments?orderItemIds={}

Description - The Get by ShipmentIds API gets the shipment detail by orderItemId. It returns the shipmentDetails with the specified orderItemId and all its sub shipments and packages.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments?orderItemIds={}

Request Header Parameters

Parameter Requirement Description
orderItemIds Mandatory Comma separated order item ids

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
shipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
dispatchByDate ISO String Date by which the order items needs to be dispatched by the seller
dispatchAfterDate ISO String Date after which the order items needs to be processed by the seller
updatedAt ISO String Timestamp of the last update for a particular order item
hold Boolean Flag True or False for Shipment Verification Process.
locationId String Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location
packagingPolicy String Indicates the packaging policy for Shipment. Possible values: GREEN_PACKAGE, TRANSPARENT_PACKAGE, DEFAULT, NA
orderItems List Comma separated list of Order Items
orderItems. fsn String Flipkart Serial Number that identifies the order item.
orderItems. quantity Number Number of units of the item ordered.
orderItems. orderId String System generated orderId for an order within a shipment.
orderItems. orderItemId String System generated id for an item within an order.
orderItems. listingId String Product Listing Id
orderItems. sku String Seller’s store keeping unit where the item is available
orderItems. cancellationGroupId String Refers to the group of order items which will be cancelled.
orderItems. isReplacement Boolean True or False indicating if the order item replaces another order item.
orderItems. priceComponents. sellingPrice Float Product price listed by the seller. This value can be less than or equal to the MRP.
orderItems. priceComponents. totalPrice Float The price paid by the customer for this order item (customerPrice``+ ``shippingCharge)
orderItems. priceComponents. shippingCharge Float Fees charged for this order item of shipment.
orderItems. priceComponents. customerPrice Float The price at which buyer bought the order item from the Website (sellingPrice- promotionDiscount)
orderItems. priceComponents. emi Float EMI component for a particular order item id
orderItems. priceComponents. flipkartDiscount Float Flipkart discount for the particular order item id
orderItems. orderDate ISO String Date on which the order is placed.
orderItems. cancellationDate ISO String Date when the order item is cancelled.
orderItems. cancellationReason String Reason for the cancellation
orderItems. cancellationSubReason String Sub reason chosen for cancellation. In case of seller cancellation below are the valid sub reason(cannot_procure_item,not_enough_inventory,b2b_order)
orderItems. courierReturn boolean True or False indicating if courier return created for the order item.
orderItems. packageIds List<String> List of packages to which the order item is associated
forms List<Forms> List of forms associated with the shipment
forms. name String Name of the for associated with the shipment.
forms. link String Link to the Government portal for where particular form can be generated.
forms. automated boolean True or False indicating Flipkart generated form for the mentioned form.
forms. status String Indicates status of form generation. Status can be one of the below (NOT-CREATED, IN-PROGRESS, COMPLETED and FAILED)
subShipments List List of sub shipments associated with a shipment
subShipments. subShipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific sub shipment.
subShipments. packages List List of packages inside one sub shipment
subShipments. packageId String Primary identifier for a specific package
subShipments. quantity Integer Quantity of sub shipments
subShipments. packageTitle String Title of the package
subShipments. packageSku String SKU of the package


orderItemIds: should be valid order item ids for this seller.
Maximum 100 orderItemIds per request.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in getting forms for the shipment
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When more than processable orderItemIds are received.

GET /v3/shipments?orderIds={}

Description - The Get by ShipmentIds API gets the shipment detail by orderId. It returns the shipmentDetails with the specified orderItemId and all its sub shipments and packages.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments?orderIds={}

Request Header Parameters

Parameter Requirement Description
orderIds Mandatory Comma separated order ids

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
shipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
dispatchByDate ISO String Date by which the order items needs to be dispatched by the seller
dispatchAfterDate ISO String Date after which the order items needs to be processed by the seller
updatedAt ISO String Timestamp of the last update for a particular order item
hold Boolean Flag True or False for Shipment Verification Process.
locationId String Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location
packagingPolicy String Indicates the packaging policy for Shipment. Possible values: GREEN_PACKAGE, TRANSPARENT_PACKAGE, DEFAULT, NA
orderItems List Comma separated list of Order Items
orderItems. fsn String Flipkart Serial Number that identifies the order item.
orderItems. quantity Number Number of units of the item ordered.
orderItems. orderId String System generated orderId for an order within a shipment.
orderItems. orderItemId String System generated id for an item within an order.
orderItems. listingId String Product Listing Id
orderItems. sku String Seller’s store keeping unit where the item is available
orderItems. cancellationGroupId String Refers to the group of order items which will be cancelled.
orderItems. isReplacement Boolean True or False indicating if the order item replaces another order item.
orderItems. priceComponents. sellingPrice Float Product price listed by the seller. This value can be less than or equal to the MRP.
orderItems. priceComponents. totalPrice Float The price paid by the customer for this order item (customerPrice``+ ``shippingCharge)
orderItems. priceComponents. shippingCharge Float Fees charged for this order item of shipment.
orderItems. priceComponents. customerPrice Float The price at which buyer bought the order item from the Website (sellingPrice- promotionDiscount)
orderItems. priceComponents. emi Float EMI component for a particular order item id
orderItems. priceComponents. flipkartDiscount Float Flipkart discount for the particular order item id
orderItems. orderDate ISO String Date on which the order is placed.
orderItems. cancellationDate ISO String Date when the order item is cancelled.
orderItems. cancellationReason String Reason for the cancellation
orderItems. cancellationSubReason String Sub reason chosen for cancellation. In case of seller cancellation below are the valid sub reason(cannot_procure_item,not_enough_inventory,b2b_order)
orderItems. courierReturn boolean True or False indicating if courier return created for the order item.
orderItems. packageIds List<String> List of packages to which the order item is associated
forms List<Forms> List of forms associated with the shipment
forms. name String Name of the for associated with the shipment.
forms. link String Link to the Government portal for where particular form can be generated.
forms. automated boolean True or False indicating Flipkart generated form for the mentioned form.
forms. status String Indicates status of form generation. Status can be one of the below (NOT-CREATED, IN-PROGRESS, COMPLETED and FAILED)
subShipments List List of sub shipments associated with a shipment
subShipments. subShipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific sub shipment.
subShipments. packages List List of packages inside one sub shipment
subShipments. packageId String Primary identifier for a specific package
subShipments. quantity Integer Quantity of sub shipments
subShipments. packageTitle String Title of the package
subShipments. packageSku String SKU of the package


orderIds: should be valid order ids for this seller.
Maximum 100 orderIds per request.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in getting forms for the shipment
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When more than processable orderIds are received.

POST /v3/shipments/labels

Description - The Label Generation API (also known as the Pack API) generates invoice and shipping labels for the shipment ids and marks shipments as packed. It takes the invoice details in the request as input. If the orderItemId requires a serial number or IMEI number (also known as serialized product), that input is also required when calling this API.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments/labels

Request Body Parameter

Parameter/Attribute Type Requirement Description
shipments List of shipments Mandatory List of shipment ids for pack
shipmentId String Mandatory Unique number that identifies the shipment.
locationId String Mandatory Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location.
taxItems List of tax items Mandatory List of taxable items
taxItems. orderItemId String Mandatory The orderItemId of the primary shipment Item.
taxItems. purchasePrice Numeric Optional Purchase price of the item (only to be passed for refurbished products)
taxItems. taxRate Numeric Mandatory Tax Rate for the Item
taxItems. quantity Numeric Mandatory Quantity of items to be shipped.
serialNumbers List of serial numbers Mandatory only if item is serialized Serial number array for serialized products
serialNumbers. orderItemId String Mandatory orderItemId for which serial number is being input
serialNumbers. serialNumbers List<List<String>> Mandatory serialNumbers for the given order item id
subShipments List of sub shipments Mandatory List of subShipments associated with the shipment
subShipments. subShipment String Mandatory Primary identifier for a specific sub shipment.
subShipments. dimensions. length Float Mandatory Length of the sub-shipment
subShipments. dimensions. breadth Float Mandatory Breadth of the sub-shipment
subShipments. dimensions. height Float Mandatory Height of the sub-shipment
subShipments. dimensions. width Float Mandatory Width of the sub-shipment
invoices List of invoice details Mandatory Invoice details for the shipment
invoices. orderId String Mandatory Order id to which particular order item is associated.
invoices. invoiceNumber String Optional If the seller has not opted for auto invoicing, then this field is mandatory.
invoices. invoiceDate Date Mandatory Invoice date


ShipmentId and Sub Shipment Id is mandatory.
Order Item id is mandatory.
Dimensions are mandatory and should be a positive value.
For multiline orders, Pass the LBHW attributes of the the order_item which has the maximum value in the order.
GST information must be part of taxItems

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
shipments. shipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
shipments. processingStatus String SUCCESS or FAILURE
shipments. errorCode String Error code for any error
shipments. errorMessage String Error message
Error Codes Reason for Error
ITEM_ON_HOLD Error if shipment is on hold
INVALID_PACK_REQUEST If all the order items inside shipment are not in approved state
INCOMPLETE_SHIPMENT_DIMENSIONS Invalid dimensions given for particular sub shipment
SERVICEABILITY_NOT_ALLOWED Serviceability not allowed from seller location to buyer location
SELLER_TIN_NOT_FOUND Seller TIN number not found
INVALID_DISPATCH_AFTER_DATE Dispatch After Date is greater than current time of pack
PACK_OPERATION_NOT_AUTHORISED Seller not authorised for packing the shipment
INVALID_IMEI_NUMBER Invalid IMEI number given for any serialised products
WEIGHT_ANOMALY_ERROR Error in dimension details for given shipments
WEIGHT_ANOMALY_WARNING Warning in dimension details for given shipments
PACK_GSTIN_NOT_FOUND Please check and update your GSTIN
INVALID_PACK_CHANNEL When pack channel is not supported for shipment type and service profile
DUPLICATE_PACK_REQUEST When Earlier Pack Request Still in Processing
INVALID_LOCATION When Shipment does not belong to this location, please cross check from Get shipment details api
INVALID_PURCHASE_PRICE When Purchase Price present for non-refurbished verticals or not valid purchase price for order item id’s
INVALID_PACKAGE_DIMENSION Package dimensions too big to be serviceable. Please re-check your packaging under My Listings tab at the time of order placement

GET /v3/shipments/{shipmentIds}/labels

Description - The Download Labels API prints integrated shipping label and invoice (optional) for packed shipments. The invoice is printed only if the seller opts for the auto-invoicing solution. The shipping labels and customer invoices can be printed for multiple shipment ids. It produces a single, merged PDF, if multiple shipment IDs are passed in the request parameters.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments/{shipmentIds}/labels

Request Header Parameters

Path Parameter Requirement Description
shipmentIds Mandatory Prints shipping label for shipmentIds


shipmentIds: should be a valid shipment ids for this seller and the label.
Maximum 100 shipmentIds per request.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in getting forms for the shipment
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When more than 100 shipmentIds are passed.

POST /v3/shipments/{shipmentIds}/labelOnly/pdf

Description - Download labels for the shipments in PDF format

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments/{shipmentIds}/labelOnly/pdf

Request Header Parameters

Path Parameter Requirement Description
shipmentIds Mandatory Comma separated list of shipmentIds
Query Parameter Requirement Description
reprint Optional reprint is true then item will not be marked as pack(If not already)


shipmentIds: should be a valid shipment ids for this seller and the label.
Maximum 50 shipment ids allowed per request.

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Content type Description
Lable PDF PDF application/pdf Success - label pdf files else error.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in getting label pdf for the shipment
INVALID_SHIPMENTS Invalid shipment Ids passed
OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED Shipment ids does not belong to seller

POST /v3/shipments/{shipmentIds}/labelOnly

Description - Download labels for the shipments in Byte-Stream format

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments/{shipmentIds}/labelOnly

Request Header Parameters

Path Parameter Requirement Description
shipmentIds Mandatory Comma separated list of shipmentIds
Query Parameter Requirement Description
reprint Optional reprint is true then item will not be marked as pack(If not already)


shipmentIds: should be a valid shipment ids for this seller and the label.
Maximum 50 shipment ids per request.

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Content type Description
Label Byte-Stream Byte-Stream application/json application/octet-stream Success - label byte stream files else error.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in getting label Byte-Stream for the shipment
INVALID_SHIPMENTS Invalid shipment Ids passed
OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED Shipment ids does not belong to seller

GET /v3/shipments/{shipmentIds}/invoices

Description - The Shipment invoice API prints invoice for packed shipments. It gives pdf document if content type is application/pdf and gives json response if content type is application/json.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments/{shipmentIds}/invoices

Request Header Parameters

Path Parameter Requirement Description
shipmentIds Mandatory Gives invoice details for shipmentIds

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Content type Description
Invoice PDF PDFstream application/pdf Success - set of invoice pdf files else error.
invoices Json object of invoice details application/json Gives invoice details in json format
invoices. shipmentId String application/json Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
invoices. invoiceDate ISO Date application/json Date of invoice creation
invoices. InvoiceNumber String application/json Invoice number generated for that particular shipment
invoice. orderItems List of order items application/json List order item in one invoice
invoice. orderItems. orderItemId String application/json Order item id belonging to shipment
invoice. orderItems. invoiceAmount Float application/json Invoice amount for that order item id
invoice. orderItems. serialNumbers List of serial numbers application/json Serial numbers mentioned in invoice(Only for serialized products)
invoice. orderItems. TaxDetails GST Tax details application/json GST tax details object
invoice. orderItems. TaxDetails. cgstRate Float application/json CGST tax rate
invoice. orderItems. TaxDetails. sgstRate Float application/json SGST tax rate
invoice. orderItems. TaxDetails. igstRate Float application/json IGST tax rate


shipmentIds: should be a valid shipment ids for this seller
Note to not pass 'purchasePrice' as a line item under TaxDetails for 'non-refurbished' products
Maximum 100 shipments per request.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in getting invoice for the shipment
INVALID_SHIPMENTS Invalid shipment Ids passed
OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED Shipment ids does not belong to seller
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When more than processable shipments are received.

POST /v3/shipments/dispatch

Description - The Shipment Dispatch API marks order items inside shipment as “Ready to Dispatch” and communicates to the logistics partners that the shipment is ready for pick up.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments/dispatch

Request Body Parameter

Parameter/Attribute Type Requirement Description
shipmentIds List<String> Mandatory List of shipment ids
locationId String Mandatory Seller’s location id from where item is dispatched


ShipmentIds and location Id are mandatory

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
shipments. shipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
shipments. processingStatus String SUCCESS or FAILURE
shipments. errorCode String Error code for any error
shipments. errorMessage String Error message

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED This error occurs if an internal system fails during v3/shipments/dispatch call

GET /v3/shipments/{shipmentIds}

Description - The Shipments API gives the shipping details for multiple shipment ids based on the specified shipmentIds. The recommended limit is 25 shipmentIds.

Note that this operation returns shipping and tracking related details of the shipments e.g delivery / billing address, tracking id, buyer address, etc. Buyer contact number and email address would be provided only for self-ship shipments.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments/{shipmentIds}

Request Header Parameters

Path Parameter Requirement Description
shipmentIds Mandatory Gives shipping details for shipmentIds

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
orderId String Identifies the order
deliveryAddress. firstName String First name of the recipient
deliveryAddress. lastName String Last name of the recipient
deliveryAddress. pincode String Pincode of the recipient address
deliveryAddress. city String City in the recipient address
deliveryAddress. stateName String State in which the deliveryAddress.city is located.
deliveryAddress. addressLine1 String Address Line 1 of the recipient address
deliveryAddress. addressLine2 String Address Line 2 of the recipient address
deliveryAddress. stateCode .String State Code corresponding to the State Name
deliveryAddress. state String State name of recipient
deliveryAddress. landmark String Landmark in the recipient address
deliveryAddress. contactNumber String Contact number of the recipient
shipmentId String Unique identifier to the Shipment
locationId String Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location
subShipments. subShipmentId String Identifies the sub shipments within a single shipment.
subShipments. courierDetails. pickupDetails. vendorName String Vendor name picking up the shipment from seller location
subShipments. courierDetails. pickupDetails. trackingId String Pick up courier tracking id
subShipments. courierDetails. deliveryDetails. vendorName String Vendor name delivering shipment to customer from mother hub
subShipments. courierDetails. deliveryDetails. trackingId String Delivery tracking id
subShipments. shipmentDimensions. length Float Length of the sub-shipment
subShipments. shipmentDimensions. breadth Float Breadth of the sub-shipment
subShipments. shipmentDimensions. height Float Height of the sub-shipment
subShipments. shipmentDimensions. weight Float Weight of the sub-shipment
sellerAddress. sellerName String Seller name as in the Seller’s Address
sellerAddress. pincode String Pincode in the Seller’s address
sellerAddress. city String City in the Seller’s address
sellerAddress. stateName String Name of the state in the Seller’s address
sellerAddress. addressLine1 String Address Line 1 in the Seller’s address
sellerAddress. addressLine2 String Address Line 2 in the Seller’s address
sellerAddress. stateCode String State Code in the Seller’s address
sellerAddress. state String State in which seller address located.
sellerAddress. landmark String Landmark in the Seller’s address
billingAddress. firstName String First Name of the recipient of the Bill.
billingAddress. lastName String Last Name of the recipient of the Bill.
billingAddress. pincode String Pincode in the Billing Address.
billingAddress. city String City in the Billing Address.
billingAddress. stateName String StateName in the Billing Address
billingAddress. addressLine1 String Address Line 1 in the Billing Address.
billingAddress. addressLine2 String Address Line 2 in the Billing Address.
billingAddress. stateCode String State Code in the Billing Address
billingAddress. state String State name of billing address
billingAddress. landmark String Landmark in the Billing Address
billingAddress. contactNumber String Contact Number in the Billing Address
buyerDetails. firstName String First Name of the Buyer
buyerDetails. lastName String Last Name of the Buyer
orderItems. large Boolean True or False indicating shipment is large
orderItems. dangerous Boolean True or False indicating shipment is dangerous
orderItems. id Boolean Order item id inside the shipment
orderItems. fragile Boolean True or False indicating shipment is fragile
returnAddress. firstName String First Name of the person to whom the items have to be returned to, if not delivered, as mentioned in the Return Address.
returnAddress. lastName String Last Name of the person to whom the items have to be returned to, if not delivered, as mentioned in the Return Address.
returnAddress. pincode String Pincode in the Return Address
returnAddress. city String City in the Return Address
returnAddress. addressLine1 String Address Line 1 in the Return Address
returnAddress. addressLine2 String Address Line 2 in the Return Address
returnAddress. stateCode String State Code in the Return Address
returnAddress. state String State name where shipment has to be returned
returnAddress. landmark String Landmark in the Return Address


shipmentIds: should be valid shipment ids for this seller
Maximum 100 shipments per request.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in getting shipment details for the shipment
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When more than processable shipments are received.

POST /v3/shipments/cancel

Description - The Shipment Cancel API enables the seller to cancel order items inside shipment that may already have been approved by the Flipkart Marketplace.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments/cancel

Request Body Parameter

Parameter/Attribute Type Requirement Description
shipments List of Shipments Mandatory List of shipments which should be cancelled
shipments. shipmentId String Mandatory Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
shipments. locationId String Mandatory Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location
shipments. cancellationGroupIds List<String> Mandatory Refers to the group of order items which will be cancelled.
shipments. reason String Mandatory Sub reason chosen for cancellation. cancellation should be one of the below(cannot_procure_item, not_enough_inventory, b2b_order)


Shipment Id, Cancellation Groups and Reason are mandatory.
Reason should be one of the specified reasons. I.E ``cannot_procure_item`` ,``not_enough_inventory`` and ``b2b_order``

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
shipments. shipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
shipments. processingStatus String SUCCESS or FAILURE
shipments. errorCode String Error code for any error
shipments. errorMessage String Error message

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
EMPTY_OR_INVALID_REASON_FOR_CANCELLATION Cancellation reason is empty or invalid

GET /v3/shipments/handover/counts?locationId={location_id}

Description - The get vendor details api gives number of shipments belong to particular vendor. It gives number of shipments in RTD state.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments/handover/counts?locationId={location_id}

Request Header Parameters

Path Parameter Requirement Description
locationId Mandatory Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
vendorGroupCode String Vendor code to which dispatchable shipments belong
isMps Boolean Are shipments belong to Multi pack shipment
count Integer Number of dispatchable shipments for that vendor
otc. code String A One Time Code, that is to be shared with pickup executive, at the time of handing over / receiving the shipments.
otc. error_code String Error details if any, when the OTC code is not available. Possible Values- OTC_UNAVAILABLE - OTC not generated yet. Please retry after a while.
pickUpDate. after ISO String Date time after pick up will be made by the particular vendor
pickUpDate. before ISO String Date time before pick up will be made by the particular vendor

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED This error occurs if an internal system fails during get vendor details call

POST /v3/shipments/manifest

Description - This API gives manifest PDF with shipments which belong to specified vendor.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments/manifest

Request Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Requirement Description
params List of params Mandatory List of params with vendor details
vendorGroupCode String Mandatory Vendor code to which dispatchable shipments belong
locationId String Optional Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location
isMps Boolean Mandatory Do shipments belong to Multi pack shipment
pickUpDate. after DateTime Mandatory if mps is true. DateTime after when the vendor can pick up the Shipment.
pickUpDate. before DateTime Mandatory if mps is true. DateTime before when the vendor can pick up the Shipment.


The ``vendorGroupCode`` is a mandatory field.
If ``mps`` is true, then pick up dates are also mandatory

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in getting manifest details for the vendor

POST /v3/shipments/selfShip/dispatch

Description - Self Ship API to mark items as dispatched from the seller warehouse. In addition to marking items as dispatched from the warehouse, seller must enter invoice details.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments/selfShip/dispatch

Request Body Parameters: shipments

Parameter/Attribute Type Requirement Description
shipmentId String Mandatory Primary identifier for a specific shipment
tentativeDeliveryDate DateTime Mandatory The anticipated delivery date. Tentative Delivery Date should not be before Today’s date
dispatchDate DateTime Mandatory Date by which the order items are dispatched by the seller. Dispatch Date should not be after Today’s date
deliveryPartner String Optional Name of Logistics Partner
trackingId String Optional Pick up courier tracking id
locationId String Optional Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location
invoice.invoiceNumber String Optional Invoice Number
invoice.items List Mandatory Comma separated list of invoice Items
invoice.invoiceDate DateTime Mandatory Invoice Date
invoice.items.orderItemId String Mandatory Order Item Id
invoice.items.quantity Number Mandatory Order Items quantity
invoice.items.serialNumbers List<List<String>> Optional Serial Numbers
dispatchLocation.locationId String Mandatory Dispatch Location Id
dispatchLocation.address.address1 String Mandatory Dispatch Address 1
dispatchLocation.address.address2 String Optional Dispatch Address 2
dispatchLocation.address.landmark String Optional Dispatch Landmark
dispatchLocation.address.city String Mandatory Dispatch City
dispatchLocation.address.state String Optional Dispatch State
dispatchLocation.address.pincode String Optional Dispatch Pincode


shipmentIds: should be valid shipment ids for this seller.
Maximum 100 shipments per request.

Response Body Parameters:

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
shipments. shipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
shipments. processingStatus String SUCCESS or FAILURE
shipments. errorCode String Error code for any error
shipments. errorMessage String Error message

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in marking items as dispatched.
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When invalid request is received i.e, when some mandatory requirement validations are failed.

POST /v3/shipments/selfShip/delivery

Description - Self Ship API to mark items as delivered to the buyer.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments/selfShip/delivery

Request Body Parameters: shipments

Parameter Type Requirement Description
deliveryDate Date Mandatory The deliveryDate for the item that has been ordered. Date should be yyyy-MM-dd format.
locationId String Mandatory location ID for the order
shipmentId String Mandatory Shipment ID corresponding to the order

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
shipmentId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
processingStatus String SUCCESS or FAILURE
errorCode String Error code for any error
errorMessage String Error message


shipmentIds: should be valid shipments id for this seller
Maximum 100 shipments per request.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in marking the item as delivered for the shipment
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When invalid request is received i.e, when some mandatory requirement validations are failed.

GET /v3/shipments/otc/{locationId}?requestType={requestType}

Description - This API gives shipments’ OTCs based on given location and request type. (Note : This API will be available soon.)

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v3/shipments/otc/{locationId}?requestType={requestType}

Request Header Parameters

Path Parameter Requirement Description
locationId Mandatory Id which refers to seller’s dispatch location

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
otcs List OTCs
otcs.status String Request status for the OTC type
otcs. requestType String OTC type. Possible values- RETURN - OTCs for Return Type
otcs. otc List<OTC> List of requested OTCs
otcs. otc. type String Shipment Possible Values- LARGE - Shipment Large type NON_LARGE - Non Large type
otcs. otc. code String A One Time Code, that is to be shared with pickup executive, at the time of handing over / receiving the shipments.
otcs. otc. vendor String Vendor name

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
OTC_NOT_GENERATED This occurs when the tripsheet and OTC is not generated.
OTC_UNAVAILABLE If the location is not onboarded for OTC
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED This error occurs if an internal system fails.

POST /v2/services/attempt

Description - API to mark service attempt done by the service partner. The next scheduled service date is also marked.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v2/services/attempt

Request Body Parameters: services

Parameter Type Requirement Description
deliveryDate Date Mandatory The deliveryDate for the item that has been ordered
newDeliveryDate Date Mandatory new delivery attempt date for the order
reason String Mandatory reason for failure
subReason String Mandatory sub reason for failure
comments String Optional comments on service attempt if any
service FulfilmentId String Mandatory service fulfilment ID corresponding to the order

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
serviceFulfilmentId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment
Status String SUCCESS or FAILURE
failureReason String Failure reason of the attempt


serviceFulfilmentId: should be valid serviceFulfilmentId.
Maximum 100 services per request.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in servicing the order
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When invalid request is received i.e, when some mandatory requirement validations are failed.

POST /v2/services/complete

Description - Self Ship API to mark a service as completed with the details of service.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v2/services/complete

Request Body Parameters: services

Parameter Type Requirement Description
deliveryDate Date Mandatory The deliveryDate for the item that has been ordered
service FulfilmentId String Mandatory Service ID corresponding to the order

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
serviceFulfilmentId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment
Status String SUCCESS or FAILURE
failureReason String Failure reason of the attempt


serviceFulfilmentId: should be valid service id for this seller.
Maximum 100 services per request.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in marking the service as complete for the order
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When invalid request is received i.e, when some mandatory requirement validations are failed.

GET /v2/returns

Description - The Get Returns API provides details of an order item returned by the buyer or undelivered by the courier, and the reason for return. The first call to the API returns max 25 results. Calling the URL returned in the “nextUrl” field of the response gets the subsequent pages of the search result.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: http://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v2/returns?source={source_mode}&modifiedAfter={modified_after} &modifiedBefore={modified_before}&createdAfter={created_after}&createdBefore={created_before} &locationId={locationId}

Request Header Parameters

Parameter Type Requirement Description
source String Mandatory Source of the returns. Possible values: customer_return, courier_return
modifiedAfter ISO String Optional Get the returns details for orders modified after the date specified
modifiedBefore ISO String Optional Get the returns details for orders modified before the date specified
createdAfter ISO String Optional Get the returns details for orders created after the date specified
createdBefore ISO String Optional Get the returns details for orders created before the date specified
locationId String Optional Get the returns details for orders which belongs to sellers specified location
returnIds String Optional Get the returns details for returns which belongs to sellers with given return ids
trackingIds String Optional Get the returns details for returns which belongs to sellers with given tracking ids

GET /v2/returns?returnIds={id list}

Description - The Get Returns by returnIds API provides details of returns.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: http://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v2/returns?returnIds={id list}

Request Header Parameters

Parameter Type Requirement Description
returnIds String Mandatory Comma separated list of returnsIds.

POST /v2/returns/approve

Description - Self Ship API to approve returns requested by the buyer with or without tech visit.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v2/returns/approve

Request Body Parameters: returns

Parameter Type Requirement Description
comments String Mandatory comments on the rejection
returnId String Mandatory Return ID corresponding to the order
serviceDate Date Optional The serviceDate for the item that has been ordered
service FulfilmentId String Mandatory service fulfilment ID for the order that has been ordered
locationId String Mandatory location ID for the order

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
returnId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
processingStatus String SUCCESS or FAILURE
errorCode String Error code for any error
errorMessage String Error message


returnIds: should be valid return id for this seller.
Maximum 100 returns allowed per request.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in marking the item as delivered for the shipment
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When invalid request is received i.e, when some mandatory requirement validations are failed.

POST /v2/returns/reject

Description - Self Ship API to mark returns requested by the buyer as rejected. Tech visit service is mandatory to reject the returns.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v2/returns/reject

Request Body Parameters: returns

Parameter Type Requirement Description
comments String Mandatory comments on the rejection
returnId String Mandatory Return ID corresponding to the order
serviceDate Date Mandatory The serviceDate for the item that has been ordered
service FulfilmentId String Mandatory service fulfilment ID for the order that has been ordered
locationId String Mandatory location ID for the order

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
returnId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
processingStatus String SUCCESS or FAILURE
errorCode String Error code for any error
errorMessage String Error message


returnIds: should be valid return id for this seller.
Maximum 100 returns allowed per request.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in marking the item as delivered for the shipment
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When invalid request is received i.e, when some mandatory requirement validations are failed.

POST /v2/returns/complete

Description - Self Ship API to acknowledge completion of returns to the seller warehouse.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v2/returns/complete

Request Header Parameters

Parameter Type Requirement Description
locationId String Mandatory Get the returns details for orders which belongs to sellers specified location
returnIds String Mandatory Get the returns details for returns which belongs to sellers with given return ids

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
returnId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
processingStatus String SUCCESS or FAILURE
errorCode String Error code for any error
errorMessage String Error message


returnIds: should be a valid return ids for this seller.
Maximum 100 returns allowed per request.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in getting invoice for the shipment
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When invalid request is received i.e, when some mandatory requirement validations are failed.

POST /v2/returns/pickup

Description - Selfship API to mark item as picked up from the buyer.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v2/returns/pickup

Request Body Parameters: returns

Parameter Type Requirement Description
pickupDate Date Mandatory The pickupDate for the item that has been ordered
returnId String Mandatory Return ID corresponding to the order
locationId String Mandatory location ID for the order

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
returnId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
processingStatus String SUCCESS or FAILURE
errorCode String Error code for any error
errorMessage String Error message


returnIds: should be valid return id for this seller.
Maximum 100 returns allowed per request.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in marking the item as delivered for the shipment
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When invalid request is received i.e, when some mandatory requirement validations are failed.

POST /v2/returns/pickupAttempt

Description - Self Ship API to mark attempted pickup of the item from the buyer. The next pickup by date must be mentioned.

Request and Response Parameters


URL: https://api.flipkart.net/sellers/v2/returns/pickupAttempt

Request Body Parameters: returns

Parameter Type Requirement Description
pickupDate Date Mandatory The pickupDate for the item that has been ordered
reason String Mandatory Reason of the return
returnId String Mandatory Return ID corresponding to the order
newPickupDate Date Mandatory The pickupDate for the item that has been ordered
locationId String Mandatory location ID for the order

Response Body Parameters

Parameter/Attribute Type Description
returnId String Primary identifier for a specific shipment.
processingStatus String SUCCESS or FAILURE
errorCode String Error code for any error
errorMessage String Error message


returnIds: should be valid return id for this seller.
Maximum 100 returns allowed per request.

Possible Error Response Codes

Error Codes Reason for Error
DEPENDENT_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED Error in marking the item as delivered for the shipment
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY When invalid request is received i.e, when some mandatory requirement validations are failed.